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Israel Consumer Council
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The municipalities and water companies

Consumer Council: The municipalities and water companies should prevent misuse of water, and not rely on the public to carry out their inspection and enforcement obligations
The Consumer Council has received inquiries from consumers who have been charged by the water supply companies for water that was stolen from them. These complaints show that the suppliers are not dealing with the problem of water theft, claiming that this issue is not their responsibility.

The Consumer Council believes that the municipalities and water supply companies have better means to stamp out this criminal activity than do consumers. The Council’s previous experience has shown that, when water suppliers choose to support the consumers and uphold the law by fighting water theft, they have the ability to eliminate this type of criminal activity.
Consumer Council CEO, Adv. Ehud Peleg, emphasizes that consumers should only be charged for water on the basis of consumption, and that the suppliers must ensure that their bills reflect this principle.

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The Israel Consumer Council is the largest consumer organization in Israel. It is a statutory, non-profit corporation which works to defend consumers and protect their rights, by handling complaints, seeking solutions to wrongs done to consumers, and through education, enforcement and deterrence, and promotion of consumer rights.