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Street Poll: Israelis give up on convenience in favor of cheap prices

Through the Institute for Opinion Surveys and Research, the Israel Consumer Council has examined consumption habits of the Israeli consumer when buying food products. The survey included 2,000 respondents who were asked about their consumption habits in a field survey conducted in 200 marketing spots nationwide.

The survey reveals that the two main reasons for shopping in a specific branch are its prices and its degree of accessibility (proximity to home / work), each mentioned by over one half of the respondents. In comparison with the previous survey on the subject, there is a significant raise of the importance of the price as a reason for choosing a place for food shopping. On the other hand, a decline in the importance of habits, variety and parking as relevant considerations to choose a branch where to shop was also revealed. The survey also found that two out of three consumers tend to compare prices before making purchases at the supermarket – and among them, one-half compare frequently and one-half compare often.

In comparison with the previous period of survey, there is a significant increase of the importance of prices as a factor of choice of the store, while the importance of factors such as habits, variety and facilities has decreased during the current survey.

Most consumers have indicated that price increases of a particular product may lead them not to buy it. More than one-half of the consumers have reported that they have recently stopped buying food products because of their cost, despite the fact that they used to buy them on a regular base.
About one third of the consumers tend to frequently compare prices before shopping in food chains. Whoever uses to compare prices before shopping tends to do so through the ads of the marketing chains, recommendations by friends or relatives and physically attending the different chains.

When asked what would make them give up buying a product they used to buy, it is evident that high cost constitutes the main reason for giving up on buying a product. More than half of the respondents reported they have recently stopped buying a product due to its cost.

Israel Consumer Council CEO, Layer Mr. Ehud Peleg, says that the business sector has to understand that the hen laying golden eggs has declared sanctions. Peleg adds that the range of people having difficulty making ends in Israel is gradually expanding and, therefore, the public has decided to take his destiny in his own hands and to divert purchases to cheaper products and places. More consumers have responded to calls from the Consumer Council and have decided "to give voices to their invoices", among others, with the help of comparative tools of basket prices such as those made available to them by the Consumer Council Patrol. Today's consumer shows more self-discipline and discretion in his shopping habits and – this way - reduces the basket cost.

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The Israel Consumer Council is the largest consumer organization in Israel. It is a statutory, non-profit corporation which works to defend consumers and protect their rights, by handling complaints, seeking solutions..